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Do you have a question about your Dental Health & Care? We are here to help! Please click below to email us.
ask usDo your gums bleed when you brush your teeth? Do you ever feel like you have bad breath or an unpleasant taste in your mouth?
The fact is that many people neglect their gums and without healthy gums, perfectly good teeth can be lost. At Simply Dental our highly qualified dental hygienist works in conjunction with the dentists specialising in the early detection and prevention of gum disease.
Through the early stages of gum disease bacteria in plaque and calculus (the soft and hard deposits on your teeth) can damage the gums causing inflammation and bleeding known as Gingivitis. With regular hygiene visits and professional scaling this can be treated successfully. It is important to us to work with you following this appointment by providing you with an achievable homecare program and individual recall plan to help you maintain a high standard of dental health for life.
The advanced stage of gum disease is called Periodontitis. If the plaque and calculus are left on your teeth for a prolonged time it can cause serious damage to the teeth and gums, and bone that supports the teeth. As a result, gums can become painful and abscess and teeth may loosen to the point where extraction is required.
As the population in Australia is ageing, people are living longer and people are expecting to keep their teeth for life. Gum disease is becoming more prevalent and in 2013 more teeth were lost through gum disease than decay in the older generation.
Our aim at Simply Dental is not to let your dental health deteriorate to this later stage. By making an appointment today with our dentist and hygienist we can make a full assessment of your overall dental health and provide a long term preventative program to enable you to keep your teeth for life.